Creator Cohort


“I feel as if i’ve taken one of the greatest steps towards making my dream a reality”

-Mitchell C, Wildlife Photography Creator Cohort #1

Being a career Wildlife Photographer in today’s world rarely happens through taking photos and selling prints at your local store. My goal, is to share what I’ve learned about becoming a full-Time Wildlife Photographer through Content Creation, and to break down a path for you to do it too.

Become a Wildlife Creator

Become a Wildlife Creator


Watch the Video:



  1. You're wanting to become a better storyteller with your wildlife photography videos.

  2. You're wanting to learn how to make an income as a wildlife photography creator and secure brand deals.

  3. You want to connect and collaborate with other content creators in the wildlife photography space.


  1. Improve you're wildlife photography skillset.

  2. If you want to make an income with little effort.

What’s Offered:

  • Six, 90 minute meetings where you’ll meet with Jeremy Neipp and the rest of your cohort online for a concept lesson taught by Jeremy and breakdowns of other Creator content

  • Two, 90 minute feedback sessions where the whole cohort will get together and give feedback on each other’s latest work

  • A Discord channel with 24/7 access to message Jeremy Neipp and other Creators in the cohort to give you feedback on thoughts, ideas, or content you have

Lesson Layout:

  1. My 5 Year Journey: Hear about all the successes, and mistakes I’ve made, and how you can take the quickest path to thriving

  2. value proposition: Discover the value you provide to the audience and how you can best lean into what makes you successful

  3. Peeking Audience Interest: Learn what makes an interesting title/thumbnail for people to click on and how success starts before the shoot

  4. Storytelling and Scripting: Develop your process of scripting and learn how to become a better Storyteller with mastered techniques from Jeremy and other creators

  5. Feedback Session #1: Put what you’ve learned to the test and get feedback on your most recent work

  6. Branding and Culture: Build up your brand image and learn how to develop a culture of depth with your audience

  7. Monetization: Discover your path towards becoming a full-time creator and learn how to navigate working with sponsors and brand deals

  8. Feedback Session #2: Put what you’ve learned to the test once more for our final session and get feedback on your most recent work

This is a closed cohort to students selected through the application process. Applications Close June 30th.

Reviews from Past Students

“Since joining, I have doubled my subscribers, and my last video has 3 times the amount of views and still growing after 2 months of it being out. Something that never happened with my previous videos before the cohort.”

-Kyle Olivencia

“The value proposition lesson was mind blowing and showed facts/taught things that I have never even thought of in the realm of content creating.”

-Mitchell Coyle

“The sponsorship lesson was also very helpful for me! After doing photography for many years now I’ve wanted to make money from it and provide images for companies or others. I’ve always struggled with the confidence of my methods on reaching out to companies to provide images. The lesson gave me great tips, pointers and perspectives on how to proceed with this topic in the future.”

-Mitchell Coyle

“the way you explained value prop was incredible helpful and gave me a clearer vision of what I needed to to with my channel. The sponsorship lesson gave me valuable insight in to how to work with brands and diversify my income streams.”

-Phil Vignola

“I think you can't put one thing that was the most valuable, I must say it’s the whole package. It's not just posting video after video on YouTube and thinking you will succeed… It’s learning how to analyze your viewer numbers and how to improve stuff in future videos. How to catch interest with a good thumbnail. The list goes on, so i’m glad I got the opportunity to join this cohort.”

-Jimmie Hammarstrom

“Jeremy does a great job of breaking things down in a way that’s easy to understand, and relatable… he does so by providing examples from his own experience, as well as providing evidence from other content creators.”

-Kyle Olivencia