Enter Your Images

 How it Works:



Images submitted MUST be under 10MB in JPG or JPEG format! Please make sure your files are 10MB or less and in JPG or JPEG format.

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Which Category is Right for You?


-This category focuses on attentiveness to detail in capturing the wildlife subject and all of it’s intricate details.

-Open to all Wild Animal Subjects.

-Post-Processing is allowed that does not dramatically alter the appearance of what was actually seen in the image. (See “Competition Rules” for more details.)


-This bird photography category focuses on not only on capturing a beautiful image of the bird, but also on the relationship between the bird and the environment that it’s found in.

-Open only to Wild Bird Subjects.

-Post-Processing is allowed that does not dramatically alter the appearance of what was actually seen in the image. (See “Competition Rules” for more details.)


-This category focuses on using unique photo capture techniques and creative photo editing techniques to bring out aspects of wildlife photography images unable to be captured otherwise.

-Open to all Wild Animal Subjects.

-In the Creative Imagery category, digital manipulation including removal of objects and additive post-processing techniques are actively encouraged. (See “Competition Rules” for more details.)


-This category captures the beauty of the incredibly small and intimate world in close-up images that may be almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

-Open to all wild animal subjects.

-Post-Processing is allowed that does not dramatically alter the appearance of what was actually seen in the image. (See “Competition Rules” for more details.)

New Photographers:

-This category exists for new wildlife photographers just getting into the hobby! The goal of the category is to demonstrate a wildlife photography image that showcases the best of your newly learnt ability.

-Open to all Wild Animal Subjects.

-Open only to wildlife photographers that have been doing it for 2 years or less (defined as at least once a month). This will largely be based on an honor-system however Bird Burger will attempt to verify this through database searching.

-Entry price is reduced and prize pool is different from the other 3 categories.

-Post-Processing is allowed that does not dramatically alter the appearance of what was actually seen in the image. (See “Competition Rules” for more details.)