Lesser Nighthawk Mating Display



Guarantee: Seeing Lesser Nighthawk and a mating chase

Minimum 2 Hours

Lesser Nighthawk Mating Displays

April 15th-June 30th

Lesser Nighthawk are an alien-like species that are spectacular to witness in nature as they come out at sunset. More than any other bird local to this area, I feel awestruck every time I leave an outing with these guys. The location is a open area around a marshland not too populated and therefore receiving an “Adventure” rating that they frequent every year. During this adventure, we will be setting up at the best location I know in a “Blind” scenario in that area where they like to display around, and you will most likely experience them flying in circles around you as you attempt to photograph them. This experience is rated a “3” on the challenge scale however, due to their incredibly fast and agile movements and difficulty to photograph in the air, and a close to impossible shot to get them on the ground well due to their habitat and skittishness.