Tricolored Blackbird are a threatened species in danger of going extinct by one of the exact behaviors that makes them unique. Similar to the long-passed Passenger Pigeon’s, Tricolored Blackbird’s need to nest in huge colonies in order to thrive. Exclusive to only a few states now but with most of the population in the Central Valley of California, my knowledge of this area has allowed me to know where an annual nesting colony of them is. This location is close to the city yet off the path giving it an “Adventure” rating. This will be a “Hybrid” scenario of photographing where we will be moving around gently to locate where the group is moving around, however, if it is early enough and a season of good rainfall, there are specific spots we can wait at in which hundreds will flock to in order to drink from the pools of water. While they aren’t often difficult to locate, they can be challenging to get good shots of, giving them a “3” on the challenge scale.